KFC, The Maltese Falcon and A Six Pack

Hear how Larry’s so-called manners lost him an agent. What goes best with KFC, The Maltese Falcon and a six-pack of beer? Nothing! Or should we say nobody. A listener asks if Larry wears a suit and tie when recording the podcast? Um, sure! The sweatpants and moccasins are just for the photo. What is he, Mr. Goodwrench?

Quote of the week: “Look, Mr. Stupid.”

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Or follow Larry on Twitter @larryjmiller

Show Credits

Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

Audio Engineer: Dr. Chris Laxamana


  • Dennis Ramirez

    Larry, I remember you wore a suit and tie at Candy Herman’s acting classes back in the mid 80’s. Although you did have a relaxed tie…..well done Larry.

    Great show my friend, Thank you.

  • Gabriel Daigle

    Hey Larry,

    Great episode as usual. When the KFC story moved from chicken to boxers that said, “Now your living.”

    A few things. First, I remember a time when you asked what kind of title you should have as a part of this podcasting team. Seeing as Chris is a Doctor and Jeff is a Colonel, I’ve always thought it fitting for you to be a Professor. Think of it: PROFESSOR LARRY MILLER. Doesn’t it suit a man of such intelligence as yourself?

    Second, I keep hearing this for the introduction, “Don’t they just sound great. That’s the Gabriel Daigle (that’s day-gull) Orchestra with the Carole Cohee Dancers featuring boy tenor Noah Gabriel asking the question: When does 3 immediately turn into 5?”

    The answer is when you have one child and then have twins, as was our circumstance when Natalie and Nicole arrived over three years ago.

    Can’t say enough about how I love the show Larry. You’re as human as they get, and I believe that to be a great compliment. Look forward to hearing that great band play again next week.


    Gabriel Daigle

    Long Beach, CA

  • Larry E

    Good grief! That agency was cold-blooded!

    That reminds me of the way a guy was fired in the “Dilbert” comic strip:

    Boss: Knock, knock.

    Employee: Who’s there?

    Boss: Not you anymore!

  • Travis

    Hey Larry, love the show!

    Don’t know if anyone has hit on this yet, but “pirus” is the Latin word for “pear” and a “rummer” is apparently a type of German drinking glass. Keats’ use of “piriful rummer”, then, could be suggesting the image of a pear-shaped or pear-like glass. In the context of the poem that sort of makes sense, but just an educated guess on my part.

    Thanks for the great pod Larry, so glad to have you back in action.

  • Scott Gilbraith

    Just thought you might like to know that your joke is up to #60 on the 100 funniest joke list. (The 59th funniest is uncredited.)

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