• Episodes

    There Is No New In “News”

    Larry is baffled by the Iowa caucuses and the news coverage around them. Then, he owns up to having spent $100 on a bottle of wine. Was it worth it? Tune in to find out! And find out what the Rabbi said in Hawaii, what makes a mad day at black rock and hear the poem “Bury Me In A Free Land” by Frances Harper. http://LarryMillerShow.com Quote of the Week: “They get a hurricane about every 40 minutes and it kills everyone.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

  • Episodes

    Does He Drink Coffee 2016

    Our annual Christmas Special is here with Larry’s traditional re-telling of his famous Christmas story, “Does He Drink Coffee?” in which Larry tries to “go clean” for Christmas with the help of an Indian shop keeper. And we’ve got a bonus story about Larry eating hot peppers at a new Vietnamese restaurant. Finally, Larry recites “Twas The Night Before Christmas.” Enjoy, thanks for listening, a hearty nominum quid geminus to you! We’ll see you in the new year! Quote of the week: “I looked like a lounge singer in the ’50s.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

  • Episodes

    Gee Whiz, It’s Show Biz!

    Gee whiz becomes ho hum really fast, but not for Larry! He never gets tired of Hollywood. Hear about him horsing around on studio lots and the secret of dressing room mirrors! Plus, whistling through graveyards, Larry recites “The Footsteps of Angels” by Longfellow and talks about the movie “The Americanization of Emily.” Quote of the week: “Clarification: I was in a bar.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

  • Episodes

    St. Valentine Is A Chump & A Plan To Save Boston

    Larry airs his beefs with St. Valentine and reveals a fiendishly clever plan to save Boston from its deluge of snow. And we get a musical question from boy tenor Larry J. Miller? And to help warm the hearts of snowed in Bostonianites, Larry recites the poem, “Summer” by Alexander Pope. Then we hear about the great Bullitt on Magic Movie Moment! Quote Of The Week: “Like a Klingon trying to pass.” Enjoy the show? Tell a friend or share it on Facebook or Twitter! Show Credits Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox