White Man! White Man! (Rebroadcast)
Larry has a bonding moment with a street guy — or something? We’re not sure what happened. Then Larry finds the one minimall with no bathrooms whatsoever and is also ribbed for being “the doorman” who can’t operate an elevator. And he recites “Spring” by William Blake and talks about the classic ’60s movie “Easy Rider.” Quote of the week: “I’ve been 17 minutes late for 12 years.”
What To Get Your Wife When You’re A Dumb Guy
Larry is straight up stumped about what presents to buy for his family. Then he talks about the best scene from the Rat Pack classic “Ocean’s Eleven” and recites “Swallows Travel To and Fro” by Robert Louis Stevenson. Quote of the week: “I want to put a hat on just so I can take it off to them.”
Larry and Beer, Sitting In A Tree
If someone pees out of a tree in the forest and nobody hears it, is it still hilarious? Find out, as Larry talks about time spent drinking beer while sitting in a tree. And hear what it means that Larry got dead air from his proctologist. Larry also talks about the classic western comedy “Cat Ballou,” and recites the Robert Frost poemt [sic] “The Sound Of Trees.” Quote of the week: “That’s without dinner and a movie?”
Be A Cupid, Stupid! (Rebroadcast)
How hard should husbands and boyfriends try on Valentine’s Day? Really hard, you knuckleheads! Larry overcomes his own knuckleheadedness to find a good Valentine present. Hear about the sheiks of oil jewelry store and the history of Valentine’s Day. And Larry talks about the movie “Shakespeare in Love” and recites the poem “Two Valentines” by Eugene Field. Quote of the week: “27 thousand dollars for a thing?”