Larry Turns Into A Bigfoot
Larry gets a facial and feels good. Then someone shuts off a Yankees playoff game (with bases loaded) and he turns into bigfoot. And speaking of baseball, Larry talks about the great movie, “Field Of Dreams.” Then he recites “The Good, Great Man” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Quote of the Week: “I ordered a chicken and mushroom thing.”
Boo To Being Scared!
Larry doesn’t like to be scared, but he likes the Grateful Dead. Go figure! Hear tales of sinking row boats and driving in the snow in Colorado. Quote of the week: “The Rockies didn’t get us.”
Playboy Mansion Larry
Larry recounts tales of The Playboy Mansion and time at comedy club condos. Then he gets ready to go to a regatta, and deals with his disappointment when he finds out it does not involve eating Italian cheese. On Magic Movie Moment, we hear about the 1956 film “Friendly persuasion.” On Poetry Corner, Larry recites “Imitated From Ossian” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Quote of the week: “I hope it was worth it for you to be alone for the rest of your life.”
Long Lost Coffee Commercials (Rebroadcast)
Have coffee TV commercials gone extinct? Shocking! Positively shocking. And what ever happened to the percolator? Larry ruminates about this and also why Oddjob had to schlep Goldfinger’s golf clubs around in the hot southern sun, in a tuxedo, no less! It was an odd job for Oddjob.