Keep Pulling That Ripcord

Larry takes a break from his full-time job of turing off lights in his house to sit down for this week’s podcast. We hear about how Larry’s alleged coffee pot of death that tries to kill him in the middle of the night. Then Larry talks about almost rear-ending a cop car while trying to read its bumper sticker.

Later, a baffling trip to buy a new razor leaves Larry waxing nostalgic for his long, lost safety razor and someone in the studio inadvertently does an impression of Dr. Strangelove.

This Week With Larry Miller is also now available through the FREE Adam Carolla app, available from the Android marketplace and iTunes app store.

Quote of the week: “To this day, I can’t eat plums.”

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    Larry Miller Drinking Society

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    10061 Riverside Dr. #276

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Show Credits

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

Audio Engineer: Dr. Chris Laxamana, LMDS

Web Engineer: Dr. Professor Sandy Ganz


Larry traded a bartender for this tietack


  • Jody Cohen

    Love you Larry! Hey, I also started making my 2 boys shower instead of bathing because of back problems. I stood outside the shower. Oh, and clothed. Only one wears glasses. Not sure when HE saw me naked…

  • Soapy Pete

    Oh man! Larry! Right on about the safety razors. I switched to one about a year ago and it is worth it for the satisfaction alone. Using the brush to lather up…nothing like it. The blades are way cheaper too. Buy ’em on Amazon! 🙂

  • stnuntrnd

    There is no chance of a factual dispute surrounding the earlier LMDS password (b–r + i——t, leg l–p), which could occur with the number of planets.

    About “the truest thing I know”: it also works when there is still some time on the clock.

  • lub

    Another safety razor lover here. I’ve been using one for a while now, and I’m only 25. The equipment can be a bit expensive and shaving is a whole process, but the blades are so cheap and the feeling is worth the effort.

  • Hoopermazing

    I can’t agree with you concerning the safety razor issue. As I have no desire to be completely clean shaven, my grooming needs are handled quite nicely with an electric clipper. Additionally, I believe that I cut myself with the blade from a safety razor as a child… Wait a minute, no I didn’t. It was a movie! There was some Shelly Winters movie in the early-mid 70s wherein some woman cut herself with the blade from a safety razor. In either event, I’m scarred by the memory.

    Now, “Keep pulling that ripcord,” on the other hand, is words to live by!

  • Laurie Renshaw

    Larry – you actually didn’t have it wrong-Fiber indeed acts as a bulk forming agent. People take it to encourage regular “movements” by being bulky enough to stimulate the walls of the colon into action. Therefore it is not necessarily a stimulant in the true sense of the word it just keeps the body doing its regular job at regular speed and intervals. But, just as you described, Fiber can also be used to absorb, slow down and help resolve loose movements or “gum up the works” as you described. Just wanted to let you know.

    Pharmacist Listener from GA

  • Jim

    Keep pulling the cord? Even at 100 feet? I don’t know. At that point I’m just gonna relax and find my chi. That’s some crazy advice. You better stick to what you’re good at like hypothetical road trip. Thanks for another awesome show Larry.

  • BG

    the hardware up front is expensive for switching to safety razors, but you’ll hit a financial break-even pretty quick with what cartridges cost these days and how much longer a puck of soap lasts over a can of goo. (unless you get into collecting brushes or stacks of exotic blades/soaps, that is).

    I switched to straight razors about a year ago now, they do take some extra upkeep and some extra gear (hones and strops mostly), but at this point I doubt I’d ever go back.

    If you want more resources for escaping the cartridge-goo-complex, check out (my only affitiation is as a poster, but it’s a great forum for finding new options/vendors for whatever gear you might need).

  • Greg

    Not crazy advice at all. Even at 100 feet slowing your body down from 200 mph to 150 mph could be the difference between life w/ broken bones and death.

    The advice is sound. It is a never-give-up approach to life.

    Jim, your advice to relax and give up is the attitude of quitters.

  • Ross

    No idea if anybody goes back & reads these at your show, but another great online source I found for shaving gear is I went there because I wanted to go back to the older slide-in double-bladed cartridges(before those annoying swivelling heads were invented–so you can knock the debris out from between the blades, something that makes the head fly off all these flimsy newer designs). They have all sorts of stuff that’s disappeared from drug stores(I even found Chestnut color Pinaud’s moustache wax, bigod).

  • lmcast

    We never go back and read these. Oops. Always good to have another source for moustache wax. Find us a place you can get sock garters, too and we’ll be getting somewhere.

  • yahoo

    Hey there! Do you know if they make any plugins to safeguard against hackers?

    I’m kinda paranoid about losing everything I’ve worked hard on.

    Any recommendations?

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