Larry Gets a Smell Tattoo

Larry lifts a line from Leno to explain getting sprayed by a cologne skunk at Macy’s — a smell tattoo. Neither silkwood showers not Irish Spring can liberate Larry from this odious odiferousness.

We also hear about Larry watching “Wrath of Khan” with his family and we have a new segment — the poetry corner! Beatniks and highbrows, rejoice!

Pictured above: Uncle Arnie, from the “Does He Drink Coffee” story!

Quote of the week: “I have gone through an Indiana Jones warehouse full of Old Spice.”

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Or follow Larry on Twitter @larryjmiller

Show Credits

Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

Audio Engineer: Dr. Chris Laxamana, LMDS


  • Gerard

    I still am curious what you got Uncle Arnie the year of the music box. Ask Uncle Arnie if he remembers what you got him.

  • big jim

    Diggin’ that poets corner, man.

    Be-bop, a cat howlin’ in the alley…

    Do-dop, listenin’ to my main man Larry…

  • Bryan

    My daughter worked at macdonalds while she was in high school.

    Her uniform reeked from that place even after washing.

  • Jason


    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your podcast because you speak of life and the things we all notice, but don’t give credence to. I just finished listening to this podcast driving back to work from lunch. As I opened the door to the two story foyer of the building all I could smell was a woman’s perfume. After my initial reaction to the stink I couldn’t help but smile.

    Thanks again pal.

    Jason in Colorado Springs

    PS. Thanks for the poem. I am going to find a book of Robert Louis Stevenson and enjoy. I haven’t read poetry since high school.

  • Alison

    My husband listens to Adam Corolla, and recommended Larry’s podcast to me as he tries to get me into podcast listening too. I’ve listened to a couple of the older episodes and will definitely start tuning in for the new shows. You’re doing a great job, Larry! I adore your podcast.


    Boston, MA

  • Scorchie

    I’ve been listening to Larry for a while and like his insight into everyday things that we see, don’t take notice but then he helps us realize how absurd it all is. As always I look forward to the future episodes.

    p.s. I noticed that this episode received a “CLEAN” tag and also that it has a very high popularity meter on iTunes. I wonder if that’s related since the selection of podcasts without an “EXPLICIT” tag is quite limited… hmm.

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