Dinner At The Mud Wrestling Place
We bid a fond farewell to the great actor James Garner. Then Larry talks about his complicated feelings about the first few days after his son left for Marine boot camp. Plus Larry pontificates on if fat people can go skinny dipping. On Poetry Corner, he recites “A Word To Husbands” by Ogden Nash, but only takes half of the advice.
Quote Of The Week: “Not today. Not with good kids.”
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Show Credits
Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Audio Engineer: Dr. Chris Laxamana

Hey Larry, I know you have to be raw about your son leaving but rest assured that there’s no greater sacrifice a young man can make than joining the Marines. Of course, you already know this. Anyway, mozel tov to your son and many successes in his career as a jarhead.
Just be prepared when you see your son in October sporting muscles you never knew he had, exhibiting a politeness and the kindest demeanor in the world. However proud you are of him now, I’m tellin’ you, just wait till October when you see him in his dress blues, a true Marine graduate: it’ll be the greatest hug you’ll ever have. You may even shed a tear. Congratulations! As all Americans agree, even that gal who seemed to have a problem with Marines, this country cannot stand without people like your son and we are all extremely proud of him.
no how you feel my babyboy army ranger airborne 2008 say,s it,s ok if we say hoooraaa