Free Bacon!
Larry finally realizes he doesn’t hate Halloween as much as he thought. We continue OctPOEber with Larry reciting The Valley Of Unrest by Poe. Then Larry talks about a magic movie moment from “The Silence Of The Lambs.” Thanks to ButcherBox for supporting The Larry Miller Show! Receive free bacon and $20 off your first box by going to butcherbox.com/larry and entering larry at checkout. Quote of the week: “Some kind of, well, maniac.”
Hey Fatso Revisited
For the start of the World Series, Larry re-tells a simple but hilarious about seeing a fistfight at a big league ballpark. In continuing with OctPOEber, Larry recites “El Dorado” by Poe and then he talks about the movie “The Rookie.” Quote of the week: “Some vodka. What? What? Are you stupid?”
Maybe Everyone’s Crazy
Who wants to annoy a doctor? Larry does. Or at least it works out that way. Hear how Larry’s crabby day turned into a chance to make someone else happy. Then Larry talks about the Hitchcock classic “Rear Window.” And for Poetry Corner, Larry recites another one for OctPOEber, “To One Departed” by Poe. Quote of the week: “I’m not complaining about that. I can if you want.”
How To Egg Like a Pro
Larry talks about his childhood bootleg Batman costume, then he teaches you to huck eggs like a pro. Everything from padding the order at the dirve through dairy store window to how to clean your friend’s Dad’s car with your shirt. And he talks about the movie “The Shooter” and recites “The City of Sin” by Edgar Allan Poe! Quote of the week: “Oh, look. It’s Satan!”