• Episodes

    There Is No New In “News”

    Larry is baffled by the Iowa caucuses and the news coverage around them. Then, he owns up to having spent $100 on a bottle of wine. Was it worth it? Tune in to find out! And find out what the Rabbi said in Hawaii, what makes a mad day at black rock and hear the poem “Bury Me In A Free Land” by Frances Harper. http://LarryMillerShow.com Quote of the Week: “They get a hurricane about every 40 minutes and it kills everyone.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

  • Episodes

    Hot Pastrami!

    Nineteen pretty women come to meet handsome firemen and find Larry telling jokes. Ture story. Larry explains why 13 portions of hot pastrami are about right and where he stands on the rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher debate. Then he recites, “Fate” by Ralph Waldo Emerson and talks about a great moment from the 1964 classic movie “The Pink Panther.” Quote of the week: “I had pastrami on my mind.”

  • Episodes

    An Ode To Snow Days

    What’s better than a snow day? Maybe an armistice. Plus a tribute to the late Carnegie Deli, where they would have served creamed herring. If only it were Jewish food. And Larry talks about Meryl Streep and Sophie’s Choice on Magic Movie Moment. Quote of the week: “No one goes against me in weather wishes.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox

  • Episodes

    A Tribute To Carrie & Debbie

    Larry gives a tip of the hat to Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds as he talks about his love of “Singing In The Rain” and working with Carrie Fisher in a writer’s room. Also, find out if dogs celebrate new year’s seven times a year or not and what happens when a gorilla walks into a bar. Plus a look into the secret NYE celebrations on Milleronia. Quote of the week: “Whoa, that’s meat.”