Daniel Boone Sat Here
Larry returns from a road trip to NYC and Kentucky, one of which was Daniel Boone country. Tune in to find out which! And hear the tale of Colonel Jeff’s long, long, long day, which included breaking into a guest’s car after recording with Alison Rosen and a Peter Gunn marathon. Larry talks about the movie “Big Jake” and recites the moving poem, “A City’s Death.”
Doing More With Less
We have our first guest ever — Larry’s son who is about to be deployed overseas! But before that, hear about if Mr. Doorman stole the couch, the movie “Jaws,” Larry’s extremely broken toilet seat and what “Marine tough” is. (Hint: It has something to do with the broken toilet seat and hot sauce.) Quote of the week: “I wasn’t looking for it for free. Well, I was.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Born On The 4th of Ju-Larry
Why shooting bottle rockets doesn’t count as college credit, Larry’s dog goes to the dentist and why you should never work with dogs, babies or W.C. Fields. And Larry recites the full poem “The Defence of Fort McHenry,” which is the source of the lyrics for “The Star Spangled Banner.” And on Magic Movie Moment, Larry talks about the Errol Flynn classic, “Robin Hood.” Quote of the week: “The backyard fireworks of his idiot friend.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
The Napoleon of Milleronia!
Larry celebrates the anniversary of Waterloo with some sweet, sweet Napoleon chat! And it just wouldn’t be a summer solstice without Larry missing the summer solstice. Also hear about dead goldfish from the summer fair and which is worse, the French Disease or the English Disease. Quote of the week: “Congratulations, Dr. IQ, it’s you and the Russian winter.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox