A Shouting Family Thanksgiving
Larry tells hilarious stories about his “shouting family” Thanksgivings from his childhood. Larry eats a whole tray full of pickles, wrestles with cousin Craig and lives to tell about it. And hear about Uncle Harry, the dancing plumber. Happy Thanksgiving from everyone on Milleronia! Quote of the week: “He’s always doing the Colonel Jeff Shuffle.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Frozen Larry & Frozen Turkeys
Larry is excited about the so-called California temperatures, as well as the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday! He talks about the history of the expression “red tape” and why there is so much of it. And he discusses John Wayne’s great first turn in the movie “Stagecoach.” Then Larry recites “Sonnet 54” by Edmund Spenser. Quote of the week: “Norman just took the sandwich.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
How To Fix James Bond
Larry gives a prescription to fix the rudderless James Bond franchise! And Larry puts the wag in Wagner as he ponders what kind of music can make you more dumber. Plus an update on the Milleronia intramural football league. Then Larry recites “Is It Possible” by Sir Thomas Wyatt and talks about the Gary Cooper classic “Friendly Persuasion.” Also, a little tribute to the late great kar kustomizer George Barris. Quote of the Week: “Until you hire me, then you’re very very smart.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Unfulfilled Promise Update!
Larry marvels at how fast baseball disappears after the world series. And yes, the bald man makes fun of guys with hair, just one more time. Dogs tearing up squirrels! (Some real, some not.) And which came first, shaving cream or the razor? Finally, will Larry change out of his Topsider shoes before show time? Tune in and find out! http://LarryMillerShow.com Quote of the week: “Look, we’ll surrender if you don’t french fry us.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox