NY Pizza Vs. Chicago Deep Dish Pizza
On this food-oriented episode, Larry he weighs in on the NY thin slice vs. Chicago deep dish debate! Plus, he discusses if he wants the whole enchilada, or maybe a cheese brumfada on the side. And we ponder salisbury steaks and TV dinner. On Magic Movie Moment, Larry covers the great “Cincinnati Kid” with Steve McQueen. And he recites an excerpt from Hero and Leander by Christopher Marlowe. Quote of the week: “That orangey rice.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Farewell To Yvonne Craig!
Larry bids a fond farewell to Yvonne Craig, the lovely and talented actress best-known as Batgirl and Marta the green alien on Star Trek. Plus, we bid you a happy Waffle Day and also hear some touching stories about Larry’s mother. Jumping Jehosephat! Listen to this episode already? Quote of the week: “The big King Kong doors opened.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Getting John Wayned
We’re not sure what guff is, but Larry and John Wayne sure aren’t taking any of it, as Larry talks about the great John Wayne movie McLintock! (The exclamation point is theirs.) Plus, Larry shares some thoughts about the 70th anniversary of World War II. And we also hear about the continuing mayhem of Maggie The Dog. Quote of the week: “They’re touching each other at 40 mph.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox
Larry’s Doggie Double Down
Say “bye bye Birdie” and “hello doggie on this” week’s episode as Larry welcomes a new dog to the pack on Milleronia and also talks about previously-named 1963 musical. (It’s just an excuse to talk about Ann Margaret some more. Like we need an excuse.) And on Poetry Corner, Larry recites the poem, “As The Ruin Falls” by the famous writer C.S. Lewis. Larry also laments missing National Chicken Wing Day. Never again. Never, ever again. Quote of the week: “I’d put my name in that hat.” Producer: Colonel Jeff Fox